

Sunday, August 31, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "Tomorrow Never Comes" by Pamela Jones


Bernice Albright is a successful writer with fame and wealth beyond her wildest dreams. But her money means nothing to her compared with her family, her younger sister and brother, whom she raised after their mother passed away.
After each of them having gotten into trouble (Rico is a cocaine addict and Marlena married an abusive man), she's invited them both to live with her in hopes of a better tomorrow, but tomorrow is a long way away...

Pamela Jones' novella is a short book you can read within half an hour, and it contains what I believe to be one of the most powerful messages that can be heard: money means does not being happiness.
Despite Bernice's wealth, she's racked with grief and responsibilities...and a lot of pain. Reading this book is a whirlwind of emotions, from hope to despair. Despite some editing errors, this is a great story in the tradition of King's Rose Madder and Sparks' Safe Haven.

4/5--great work!

Purchase Tomorrow Never Comes via:

Amazon (KINDLE only)


Thursday, August 28, 2014



1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?

     I wanted to be a writer since I was in elementary school.  In high school, I took a Creative Writing class, wrote for several local newspapers and had my own column in one of those papers.  I wrote my first novel in the 1980’s, ended up writing three “practice” novels that really aren’t publishable, and then finally wrote THE FISHERMAN’S SON, the first novel I ever published, in 2002.  By the time I finished writing THE FISHERMAN’S SON, I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that I definitely wanted to be a writer.

2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?

     When I was very young, Dr. Seuss books.  Later on, I enjoyed reading NANCY DREW mysteries.  In high school, I started reading poetry and literary books.  I fell in love with literature and language then.  My favorite books in high school were classics and literary novels.  Today, I enjoy reading books in almost every genre.

3. What was the inspiration behind your novel Shade?

     I’m very interested in what’s happening in the news, as well as psychological and social issues.  When I decided to write a YA novel, SHADE evolved out of my concern over an issue frequently covered in recent news stories.

4. Do you, personally, believe in ghosts?

     I wouldn’t say that I believe in ghosts, but who knows what’s out there?  I certainly know that mysterious events occur in life that we can’t always explain.

5. Why choose such touchy subjects as human trafficking, self-mutilation and alcoholism?

     I include those subjects in my writing because they upset me.  It’s sad and unfair that so many people around the world suffer deeply, and how many girls are mistreated.  I like to write novels and short stories that help shine a light on the darkness in our world.

6. Were any of the characters based on real people?

     No, I created them as I wrote the novel.  I ended up admiring Shade’s spunky and brave nature.  She was a joy to write.

7. How would you behave if you were Shade?

     I’m not sure I would have been as brave as Shade.  I probably would have had too much difficulty dealing with her mom to be effective.  I like to think I’d be as courageous as Shade, but I’m not sure.  She had a lot of obstacles to overcome.

8. What would you be doing if you weren't writing?

     If I had the opportunity, I’d love to travel and do travel photography.

9. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?

     With how rapidly the publishing world is changing, that’s really hard to say.  I plan to have many more novels and short stories published; but, beyond that, I don’t have a clear picture of where my career will be.

10. What author, dead or alive, would you like to collaborate with?

     It would be great to collaborate with Hugh Howey.  He’s one of the authors bringing indie publishing into the modern world, and his books are fantastic.

11. Can you tell KSR what you're working on next?

     I’m actually writing a fan fiction short story set in Hugh Howey’s WOOL universe, and I have his blessing to publish it.  I’m also beginning to plan out my next novel in the SHADE series.  I plan to write five more SHADE novels: one set in Shade’s senior year of high school and then one additional novel set in each of Shade’s four years of college.

12. Would you like to see a film/TV show of Shade? If yes, what actors would you like to see play your characters?

     A film or TV show of Shade would be awesome!  I can’t even imagine who I’d like to play my characters, that seems more dream than reality at this point in time.

13. What other genres would you like to try your hand at?

     I’ve written some Science Fiction and would like to write more of that.  I’d also like to try my hand at writing in the Literary genre.

14. What would you most like readers to take from Shade?

     I’d like readers to understand how someone like Shade, someone who’s down on their luck and from a tough home situation, might have enough inside themselves to become a real hero.

15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?

     Hmmmm.  Well, I almost smacked into the roof of a beach hut while parasailing in Cancun, Mexico many years ago.  As a young child, I ran after a bunch of wild ducklings and caught one, only to have it poop all over me in nervousness. (I never again attempted that sort of feat.)  Last year, I went to Ireland and fell in love with that country. (Also, while in Ireland, I did not smack into any buildings or pick up any ducks.  I did, however, see many sheep.)

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BOOK REVIEW: "Shade" by Marilyn Peake


High school is difficult for everyone, but in Shade by Marilyn Peake, high school bullies are the least of Galactic Shade Griffin's life. Having her odd name is bad enough, but she also has an alcoholic mother, absentee father, has moved countless times and new, the bedroom in her new house is haunted!
She finds solace writing on the school newspaper with three friends and working on her own graphic novel. She thinks things might be looking up until the girls from school, including her best friend, Annie, go missing without a trace.
Now Shade feels that she must help find them, and she gets done unlikely allies: the other two kids with the paper, a psychic and Brandon, the ghost in her room.
Can she put her life in order so she can save the lives of three others?

Shade was a brilliant read, mixing self-harm, depression, alcoholism, crime drama and paranormal fantasy into one quick  book.
Shade is a cutter, as is another girl in school. One of the biggest moments in the book, in my opinion, is when and how she quits cutting herself. Cutting is a very difficult emotional disorder and needs to be addressed more in popular media. Having a heroine with the disorder is a great thing, not just kick-ass heroines like in popular YA books out now.
Teenage pregnancy and human trafficking are also big parts of the book, and also things that should be addressed more in novels in the light that it is here.
The ghosts are the best part, weaving paranormal activity into a story that would've worked just fine (albeit a bit more dull) without it. It's an interesting mesh of two worlds and very well thought out.

I'm giving this book only a four, however, because of two things I noticed.
One phrase, used to describe Annie, is, "She was goth, so she was probably depressed deep inside herself." I found that to be an unfair assumption. I'm Goth, and my depression has nothing to do with my clothes, music, books, TV or movie choices, whatsoever. My mother is Goth. My grandmother was Goth! I don't think an author should assume something like that or be so stereotypical, because she will offend almost any Goth who reads this sentence.
The other thing also has to do with Annie and the sentence, "Where did Annie get these? Maybe from a bad place?" They're talking about violent Japanese manga. I buy my violent manga at Barnes and Noble. That's certainly not "a bad place"! Again, it was an unfair assumption. If everyone who bought violent manga went missing, it would be like the TV show The Leftovers!

The book was great. Really, I'd read more from Ms. Peake, but I am an honest reviewer, and, personally, I feel that an author should watch what they say, when what is said could alienate an entire subculture who would otherwise love this book, as I did.

4/5--worth a read!

Purchase Shade via:



Wednesday, August 27, 2014





Julia Crane is the author of the Keegan’s Chronicles, IFICS. She has a bachelors degree in criminal justice. Julia has believed in magical creatures since the day her grandmother first told her an Irish tale. Growing up her mother greatly encouraged reading and using your imagination.

Find her online via:

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Keegan’s Chronicles series

IFICS series

In the Mind of Thaddeus



Tuesday, August 26, 2014

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Stephen Kozeniewski


1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?

When I was a very young (and, let's just admit it, precocious) lad, I had the unique opportunity to meet Charles Dickens.  It was at a book signing at a local Barnes and Noble, and Dickens was sitting there eating fish and chips out of a garbage bag.  When my Uncle Rutger and I reached the head of the line I gave the old gasbag the death stare.  He looked down at me and said, "Yes, young fellow, and what can I do for you?"  So I just looked him straight in the eye and said, "Well, which was it, a-hole?  The best of times or the worst of times?"  Dickens chuckled and leaned back in his chair.  One meaty index finger, crusted with grease and fish oil, pointed heavenward.  "But, that, my boy, is for YOU to decide."  And so I did.  

2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?

People are probably getting tired of hearing this, but Brian Keene inspired me to become a horror author.  Today it kind of doesn't matter what books I enjoy reading because I spend most of my time reading novels by friends, peers, and authors I owe personal favors.  One of the hazards of having a great community supporting you, I guess.

3. What was the inspiration behind your novel Braineater Jones?

More interesting is perhaps what I was NOT inspired by.  Most people who have read the novel assume I'm some kind of noir savant who spent a childhood reading Elmore Leonard and can instantly recall trivia about Humphrey Bogart, like that he always wore swimming trunks under his clothes.  I actually have no idea what Bogey's stance on undergarments was, and, in fact, I never read a mystery novel until last year.  Every facet of the noir milieu in BRAINEATER JONES came to me through cultural osmosis, primarily watching cartoons, sketch shows, and similar parodies.  In fact, I only just learned the difference between "hardboiled" and "noir" a few months ago.  Pretty good job for a total faker, though, huh?

4. Why choose zombies as your main paranormal focus?

There's a saying in the army about second lieutenants: their symbol is a gold bar because gold is valuable, but malleable.  I think the same way about zombies, and not just because of all the dead-eyed stares I've gotten from second louies over the years.  Zombies are eminently whatever you want them to be.  Want them to be a symbol of crass consumerism?  Done.  Want them to be a force of nature?  Done.  Want them to be intelligent, fast, or silly?  Done.  You can do pretty much anything with a walking corpse.  They don't have all the rules that tie the hands of, say, a vampire or a werewolf author.  

5. Was there any intended symbolism behind it and how the zombies behaved in your book?

Well, yes.  I worked as a secretary at a substance abuse clinic for a few years and I was pretty fascinated by the phenomenon called "cross-addiction."  This is a super-dumbed-down layman's explanation, but basically some folks will trade their addiction to something hazardous, like alcohol or cocaine, and become "addicted" to something healthier, like church or even sometimes AA.  In my book the zombies are cross-addicted from human flesh to alcohol, which I thought opened up some interesting questions about what "healthy" really is.  But I wouldn't read too much into it.

6. Will we ever see "Braineater" again in the future, or a story similar to this?

Indeed!  I'm working with the narrator of the audiobook, Steve Rimpici, and a very great animator named Zee Risek to put together a pitch for a BRAINEATER JONES animated series.  Zee is planning to pitch to some of the major television networks at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in September.  So, fingers crossed!

7. What other genres would you like to try your hand at?

I've already done some work on science fiction and vampire novels.  Someday I'd really like to do some fantasy or steampunk.  They definitely have a different feel than what I usually work on.

8. If you woke up like "Braineater", what would you do?

The novel is basically my answer to that.  Braineater and I think very much alike.  I think the way he muddles through amnesia and undead wackiness is about the apex of what I could expect from myself.  More likely I'd probably be a great big complacent dummy and die in a gutter from lack of alcohol.

9. If zombies were real and you were a "breather", would you leave them alone or do something about it?

Hmmm, me right now?  I'd probably live and let live.  It would be kind of exciting to think that I might end up alive after death, and I wouldn't want anyone hassling me.  Now, if I had been raised in the '30s I'm pretty confident I'd feel differently.

10. Would you like to see Braineater Jones in theaters? If so, what actors would you like to see play your characters?

I never have a good answer to this question.  One reviewer said that Bruce Campbell would make a great Braineater, and I find it hard to argue with that.  I've always liked H, Jon Benjamin (the voice of Archer and Bob from Bob's Burger's) so I think he would be great for the voice of the Old Man.  The others I'm not so sure about.  Scarlett Johansson might make a good Kumaree.  I liked her in Eight Legged Freaks.

11. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?

God willing, not working a day job anymore.  

12. What would you be doing if you weren't writing?

Drinking.  Oh, you mean in like an existential way?  Like, if I had never taken up writing what would I be doing to fritter away the hours?  Most likely black tar heroin.

13. Can you tell KSR what you're working on next?

Oh I alluded to this before but I'm working on a vampire novel tentatively titled HUNTER OF THE DEAD which has been contracted with Permuted Press.  That probably won't be released until 2016, though, I think.  The next thing you'll see come out that I worked on will most likely be the AT HELL'S GATES anthology edited by Devan Sagliani.

14. What authors, dead or alive, would you like to collaborate with?

Well, I have no idea if I'd be any good at a collaboration but I know that's not the point of this question.  In a perfect world I'd love to work with Jonathan Maberry, Brian Keene, or David Wong.  Meanwhile, back in the realm of reality, I think I might actually be able to set up a collaboration with Ian McClellan, Shana Festa, or possibly Bill Braddock.

15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?

Thanks for having me!  As for three surprising thing: hmmm...
1) I am an unabashed fan of Avril Lavigne (yes, STILL!)
2) I am an Eagle Scout.
3) I once asked Robb Armstrong, the creator of Jump Start, to draw me a picture of Calvin and Hobbes instead of his characters.

Find Mr. Kozeniewski online via:

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "Braineater Jones" by Stephen Kozeniewski


Imagine, you wake up underwater, looking up at three stone angels whom you at first think are real. Once you float to the surface, you realize you're naked. You then realize that you don't know your own name. Finally, you notice the gaping hole in your chest and figure out that you're not breathing.
What would you do?
Well, for the man who begins calling himself Braineater Jones, he resolves to get to the bottom of it all, by being an undead private investigator, with some unlikely allies and even more unlikely enemies.

Braineater Jones is one unique novel! Stephen Kozeniewski didn't need excessive violence, gore or explicit sex to create a modern day masterpiece. Set in the 30's, after Prohibition has ended, he tells the tale of a typical man in a very atypical situation!
The introduction states that he did extensive research to make the story authentic, and you can really tell that he did. You'll feel transported to that time, when women were disrespected even more than they are now and class differences are even deeper. Don't take offense, just enjoy the fact that the author did all this research just for you, the reader!
The characters run the gamut of normal to what the fuck (you'll see what I mean!) and the story will truly entertain you. Don't like zombies? Don't worry! I can give you a 99.999% guarantee that you will love this!

5/5--great work!

Purchase Braineater Jones via:


Barnes And Noble


Red Adept Publishing

Google Books



1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?

I've always loved telling stories and as long as I can remember I've either kept a diary or popped down my thoughts on paper. I made the decision to start writing a novel back in 2011 and after taking a break for a short period I finished a couple of novellas late last year. I've been working steadily since then and have plenty of ideas and stories planned for the next few years. 

2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?

To be honest I wasn't a big reader when I was younger, I would read a book if it was given to me or if I had to for school or study. I wasn't really aware of the authors, instead I cared about the characters. I guess I've started to become more inspired by authors since I've started writing more and actually self publishing. I love so many books, I'm blessed to have friends who have always been big readers, so I have quite a large list of classics to work through. If I had to pick a book which really inspired me I would have to say The Scar by China Mieville was that book. I loved everything about it and have read it several times in the past year alone.

3. What was the inspiration behind your novella Blind Servitude?

Blind Servitude is first and foremost a story for my godson Eli (who the title character is named after) I wanted to write something that he could one day enjoy reading and learn something from. The book has a positive message imbedded within it about believing in yourself and finding your own voice. I feel it's a message we can all benefit from hearing at different times in our lives. From that idea the story and characters formed around it. I wanted to create a place which felt claustrophobic and hopeless, a mine, hidden from the sun seemed perfect. The book changed somewhat as I typed it to life, but in a nutshell I wanted Eli's story to be one of courage.

4. What would you do in Eli's situation?

I like to think that I would be as steadfast as Eli was, that I would believe in my heart that there was still hope and persevere, even when the shadow and darkness creeps in. I would be scared, probably more than Eli was, but I like to think fear wouldn't hold me back. 

5. The woman of light is a beautiful figure in the story. Is she a ghost in your mind?

She is the positive life force that exists inside of all of us. I believe she is whatever the reader wishes her to be. ;) For me she was a beacon of hope, the opposing force to the 'Shadow.' In some ways she might be a ghost, the memory of what was good once a long time ago...

6. Children often have imaginary friends to help them get through tough times. Is that how Eli's predicament seems to you?

Children often underestimate their own ability to deal with challenges, instead they fall back onto someone to guide them and comfort them when things seem too hard. I want young readers, my godson, to remember that they are strong and capable. 

7. Will you continue with this story in the future?

Sure! I see Eli's story as only partly told. There's a whole world of adventures and challenges ahead ;)

8. Would you like to see your work on TV or film? If yes, what actors would you like to see play your characters?

I would love to see the story depicted as an animated movie. I hadn't really thought about what actors could voice the various roles. I'll have a think about that though!

9. Can you tell KSR readers what's next in your career?

I have two books planned, both are full length novels and I hope to have both out by April 2015. One is a Dystopian Thriller and the other is a YA Paranormal Fantasy. Both are books I have had planned for years and I'm really excited to finish and get them out there!

10. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?

I want to write full time, preferably on a beach somewhere. Not because it's a holiday or a weekend, but because it's a Monday and that's just my life now! 

11. What author, dead or alive, would you love to collaborate with?

Neil Gaiman. That is all.

12. Why blindness? Is there symbolism behind it in the story?

There were two reasons why I chose 'Blindness,' the first was that I wanted to create a situation where trusting in someone was more difficult. Eli, a young boy had to convince his father and others to follow him. I wanted to make that decision to follow more significant. Imagine trusting someone enough to lead you blindly! The second reason was more symbolic, I wanted to illustrate the innocence of young people and how over time and the conditions we live in we lose a part of ourselves, that spark which makes us question why things are or aren't a certain way.

13. What do you want readers to take from Blind Servitude?

Enjoyment, and perhaps a smile as they read the last sentence before finishing. 

14. What would you be doing if you weren't writing?

I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar but have struggled to find the time to learn. If I didn't have a desire to write I would pursue that. 

15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?

1. I have 5 siblings and 8 nephews and nieces!
2. When I was growing up my family moved over 14 times and I attended 8 schools.
3. I have over 500 comics which I bought as a child. I would use my allowance to buy them and instead of reading them like all my friends, I would slide them out of the brown paper bag and directly into a protective sleeve. All of the comics are still in perfect condition 20 years on.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "Blind Servitude" by David Chattaway


We are only as free as we want ourselves to be. So many self-help books have said this. We create our own prisons and our own limitations.
Rarely do those books ever really get the point across to hit home. Blind Servitude, a novella by David Chattaway, does what they can't: it makes you believe.

Humans have been driven from the surface of the Earth for generations, no one knowing exactly why. They are prisoners in the underground mines, where the only things one has to look forward to us either premature death or blindness.
The guards beat them, kill them and make work like dogs. They aren't even allowed BOOKS! (Yes, I find that to be the most horrific form of torture.)
When Eli, a young boy, loses his family (except for his father), his mysterious friend Peta helps him find passageways to try and save his family and bring them to safety, but does he gave the courage to fight for light and freedom?

Blind Servitude is a great story, with dystopian themes and a horror undertone, perhaps for readers thirteen and older. But adults, too, will love this book and find inspiration in its pages.
The characters are all so wonderfully real, even the bad guys, that you feel as if you're in the mines with them.
This is a breathless wonder of a book, one I hope gets revisited in the future.
Everyone should read this book!


Purchase Blind Servitude via:

Amazon (KINDLE)

Google Books (Android users)


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "Crossing The Line (Kismet #1)" by Samantha Long [18+]


I enjoyed Mrs. Long's YA paranormal series, Guardians. So I wondered, how would she do switching from that to adult romance? I needn't have worried, as she wrote Crossing The Line as fluidly and eloquently as she wrote Sophie's unnatural adventures.
This is how you tell the good authors from the "okay" authors. Okay authors can write one genre and write it well, but if they have to switch genres, they're lost. Good authors can write ANY genre, as long as they enjoy what they're writing (see Stephen King's The Body, compared with The Shining).

Victoria is a young divorceé with twin daughters, loving parents and amazing sisters. Her ex is a pain, but her career is taking off. The last thing she needs is a man, but her father has other ideas.
He wants to set her up with his contractor, Nick, a former bad boy with an aversion to kids and relationships. This seems like a match made in Hell, especially when one of her daughters decides Nick is a bad replacement for her father.
With the trials of an everyday life, along with some very unexpected twists, can this budding relationship bloom into love or will it be crushed underfoot?

Crossing The Line was a wonderful novel of love, lust, hurt and self-realization. With delightful characters (Addie, who is getting her own book soon, is spunky and adorable), real emotions and a sensitive narration, I don't think you can go wrong with this book.
You'll relate to at least one character, feel empathy/sympathy for others, and will feel like they're family themselves by the time you close the book.
The emotions and events behind why Nick is the way he is are particularly poignant. I love that this is not your typical "girl meets boy" type of story. It has a lot of depth.
Great work. I can't wait to read the next installment!

5/5--loved it!

Purchase Crossing The Line via:

Amazon (KINDLE)

iTunes Books

Barnes And Noble (NOOK)


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Professional Editing Services

As I read many books of many genres from many authors, I realized that some of them were in need of editing services of varying degrees, and I realized that I wanted to be the one editing them, but I wasn't sure how to begin with no references and no professional editing education.

With a little help from friends and family, I did my research and have now launched the next phase of Kelly Smith Reviews: Kelly Smith Editing Services!

For a small fee (flexible depending on the length of your manuscript and your individual needs), I will edit grammar, spelling, punctuation and anything else you want me to do. (Sorry, no ghostwriting services, however!) I will have it back to you in a timely manner, and can guarantee my work will meet your needs satisfactorily.

I started reading at two years old, and, all through my school career, I was four grades above my age group in English and Reading, which led me to graduate high school early. I am meticulous about my work and, if I am being completely honest, am very OCD about grammar and punctuation. I would help my teachers, in fact, grade some students' essays in the grades below mine for extra credit.

Please email me at for references, rates and any questions you might have. This offer is open to authors, publishers, agents and anyone else who is in need of editing services. I do not discriminate! You can be independent, signed, a novice or a veteran author.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you! :)

Kelly Smith


J.S. Collyer recently released her debut science fiction novel, Zero (published by Dagda Publishing), the first in the Orbit series. (Read my review of that HERE.) Read on as she talks about her influences, future works and who'd play her characters in a movie.


1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?

I've been writing stories since I was a child. We had some RE homework once in secondary school which was to write our own short story version of the Tale of The Good Samaritan. Mine went on for about 18 pages! So storytelling has always been a great love of mine and once I get going it’s hard to stop me. 
I think I first decided I wanted to write novels when I started University and my first Creative Writing course. The more I learned, the more I loved it and the more I believed I might one day be able to write a book.
2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?

When I was a child I loved C. S. Lewis's Narnia Chronicles. I still read these books today. I also loved The Hobbit by Tolkien. A lot of fantasy, in short. When I was a bit older, secondary school age, I got into Star Wars in a big way. This is when I started to read SciFi and have been hooked ever since.
These days, I try to keep it varied so I do dip in to the odd bit of literary, historical or horror fiction, by my first and great loves always were and, I suspect, always will be, SciFi and Fantasy.
3. What was the inspiration behind your novel Zero?

Advance reviewers draw a lot of similarities between Zero and Serenity and its TV spin-off Firefly. I certainly don't mind this, but I have never actually watched them myself. I suspect I will enjoy them when I do, but I'm waiting for Zero's release so I can state hand on heart that I came up with the ideas more or less independently.
Some of my biggest influences were actually anime films and series I enjoyed a lot as a teenager. I loved the sort of post-apocalyptic worlds films like Akira, Ghost in a Shell, Aeon Flux and Patlabor produced so effortlessly that felt so real and looked so amazing. I wanted my universe to feel real like them, where you saw the impact the environment and the events had on the characters and not just it be all about spaceships and laserguns. Though, I obviously have no objection to spaceships and laserguns, I just prefer them to be an augmentation rather than the focus.

4. Why choose sci-fi as your main genre?

Spaceships and laserguns! It's true that I love, as I say,  character-driven fiction that really sucks you in to the human levels of the plot. But, for me, this whole experience is heightened when it's set against some sort of extraordinary backdrop. I like to live in worlds I could never possibly get to in reality. I like escapism in my fiction, basically. I like narratives larger than life. Sci-fi definitely delivers this for me.
5. Was there any intended symbolism behind Hugo's rebellion?

I don't know that there was anything more in Hugo's strive against his restraints that what many people feel when they start to see a world they thought they understood in a different light. Hugo's experiences make him re-examine everything he previously believed and I think this may mirror the struggle we all go through when we find ourselves making our own choices  and ones which don't necessarily fall in with what people expect.
6. Will we ever see these characters again in the future, or a story similar to this? (I'd love to learn more about Kinjo!)

The sequel is currently at the drafting stage. I think you are right, I think there is more to tell about some of these characters. The sequel is called 'Haven' so anyone who has had a chance to read Zero will be able to guess which characters this book will allow us to learn more about. It's shaping up to be grittier and darker than Zero, so far. It's a challenge, but I'm loving it. 
7. What other genres would you like to try your hand at?

I have started a fantasy novel in the past. I still think the story has potential but I've come so far from where I left it off, that I feel it needs to be started over. Fantasy is my other great love, however, so I do hope to return to this shelved project one day. I also have a rough idea sketched out for a vampire horror novel. Hoping this might come about maybe end of 2015/16 after Haven and another science fiction novel (working title Waste) which I have planned to write after Haven, that will be my first venture outside the Orbit series. 
8. If you were in Hugo's situation in the beginning of the novel, what would you do?

At the beginning of the book Hugo, for the first time, does something against regulations for what he saw as the greater good. He lost his own troops in the process, but I still think he would have done it again given the time over. I like to think I would do the same: make a hard decision for the greater good and be prepared to face the consequences, though I am grateful that I am not likely to ever have to call the order to open fire!
9. What side of the Whole World War would you be on and why?

The Whole World War is something only touched on in Zero. The Service was born from the aftermath of this world-wide conflict, since it was the only force with enough power and resources to restore some sort of balance to the world and its orbiting colonies. The Service has had to squash many rebellions in the past, including a previous fight for independence by LIL of the Lunar Colonies. In those fights between the Service and the rebellions, I think I, like Hugo, would end up fighting for the establishment, just because I would hope it could deliver its promise and maintain the peace better than any more fighting by lesser-equipped rebellious factions. I feel I am somewhat like Webb in that respect: not the rebellious type, not enough principles.
As for the Whole World War...I think this will be revisited and expanded on, if not in Haven, then in the third book in the Orbit series, working title Silence which is also on my mental shelf awaiting its turn. I guess when I learn more about the Whole World War, I might be able to choose a side. But what I strive for in my books is there being no clear-cut right or wrong, good or bad guys, empire or rebellion. I think I would find it hard to choose.

10. Would you like to see Zero in theaters? If so, what actors would you like to see play your characters? (I had actually thought it would make a great anime!)

I would LOVE to see Zero, The Film. I have a very cinematic approach to writing and saw all the scenes play out in my mind's eye as I wrote them complete with soundtrack, camera angles, special effects, the works. Specific actors is a tricky one as Ia hve such clear pictures in my head for what these characters look like. But I think it’s best to put looks aside and think about which actors would best perform the attitudes. Along these lines, I think Christian Bale or Tom Hardy in the role of Hugo would be sublime. I see Webb as someone younger and infinitely cheekier. Perhaps Jensen Ackles or Cillian Murphy, though I definitely picture Webb taller. I’m sure I could get over this though. As for my supporting cast, would always love to see Sigourney Weaver (maybe as Admiral Pharos?) and Leena Heady (Rami?) in there!
Gerard Butler as Colonel Luscombe, anyone?
But yes, I think it work wonderfully as an anime, as anime was a huge influence when writing it!
11. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?

In ten years’ time, I hope to have completed the Orbit series (Zero, Haven and Silence) as well as started my new SciFi novel outside the Orbit universe (Waste is potentially number 1 in a new series, potentially a stand-alone) and also to have written the vampire horror I have bubbling in the back of my mind. I would also like to have an agent and be writing novels for a living, or at least be able to cut down to part time to write the rest of the time. I want my stories to be out in the world and the world raring for more!
12. What would you be doing if you weren't writing?

I also like to draw so I think if I wasn't writing I would be doing more drawing/design work, perhaps I might have taken some graphics courses and be producing art digitally as well as by hand. I have fancied doing a graphic novel at some point, though it is going to take a while to get up to speed with the technology to be able to do this well.
 13. Can you tell KSR what you're working on next?

Zero's sequel, Haven, is the main focus now. It is taking longer than Zero, partially because it's got slightly heftier subject matter and partly because it is that 'difficult second novel'. I went into it a little complacently, expecting it to be a breeze since I wrote the first draft of Zero in four months, but of course had completely forgotten the focus and time that drafting does take. Progress is steady, however, and I am hoping to have the first draft complete by the end of 2014.
 14. What authors, dead or alive, would you like to collaborate with?

Robin Hobb is one of my favourite writers of all time. She does Fantasy, but her biggest influence on me is the way she made her stories so human and real. I have said how I admire this in storytelling and Hobb is one of the best I've known. No matter what sort of project we worked on, I would like the gravity and humanity she would lend to the narrative. 
Another would have to be Anne Rice, just for the love I have of her work. I would love to have her advice and input on a horror/vampire project! She would certainly lend decadence and darkness.
 15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?

What a delightful question! I'd like to take this opportunity to also thank you for this. I've really enjoyed answering your questions.
Ok, three surprising things? Let me see.

Fact 1: I shave my head...(though not completely).
Fact 2: I'm five feet 11 and have trouble finding trousers long enough
Fact 3: I have never seen Firefly or Serenity.

Find J.S. Collyer online via:




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BOOK REVIEW: "Sacred (Guardians #2)" by Samantha Long


Sophie has been attacked by demons, destroyed a nest of vampires, and lived through the death of someone close to her. Now she and her friends have been rescued by the Society and taken to a secret island base to train. While they desperately search for leads on where Akeldama may be holding Lilli prisoner, Sophie tries to keep Tristan at arms length. She doesn't need anything to distract her from finding her best friend, or so she tells herself. 
Then the unthinkable happens: one of the Society's own has betrayed the Guardians, selling their secrets to the demons and attacking them where they should feel safest, as Sophie foretold in a dream. In the end, Sophie's greatest enemy could be her own fears, and she faces a decision that could push Tristan and her friends away forever.

After the cliffhanger ending of Awakening, I eagerly opened Sacred, hoping that it, being a sequel, would not be disappointing.
It wasn't.
From page one you're dragged right back into Sophie's story, where emotions are running high, secrets abound and deception lurks in the shadows.
Each character has their own part in this story, even the missing Lilli. Tristan is my favorite, after Sophie, and his devotion to her is a sweet spot in the middle of such a dark narrative.
This book is so fast-paced, I was actually upset. I wanted it to keep going! Mrs. Long is truly a force to be reckoned with in the YA world.


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Monday, August 18, 2014

RELEASE DAY BLAST: "Flight From Hell" by Yasmine Galenorn


"Yasmine Galenorn creates a world I never want to leave" - Sherrilyn Kenyon

Yasmine Galenorn's Otherworld series is long running, best selling, and has unique, well developed world building. This rich environment has more than one story to tell... and it's time for a new one to begin.


FLIGHT FROM HELL is the novella bridge-piece that loosely links Yasmine's existing Otherworld series with her upcoming Fly By Night series. To help celebrate the release of the novella, Yasmine has a contest happening on her site, and today is the LAST DAY to enter!!! Click HERE for prize details and instructions for entering.



When Carter, half demon, comes to Menolly and her sisters, asking for their help, they think he's just had a tiff with Shimmer, his blue dragon girlfriend.

But after talking to Alex Radcliffe, the owner of the Fly By Night Magical Investigations Agency where Shimmer works, they suspect that she has been kidnapped by an old enemy of Alex's.


Now, Alex joins forces with the D'Artigo sisters in a desperate race to find Shimmer before Julian, a powerful vampire from Alex's past with a grudge to settle, can use the dragon to wreak havoc on Seattle as revenge.

Order Flight From Hell from  Amazon Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell Order Flight From Hell






Next summer, in the Fly By Night series, we'll meet new characters and have new adventures, but each book will have Yasmine's signature depth and edge. Answering questions about the similarities and differences between the two series, Yasmine recently posted this on her blog:


  1. They ARE both set in the same universe/same city/same time.

  3. The Fly By Night Series is NOT just another venue for the D'Artigo Sisters. The focus will be on Alex and Shimmer-there will be crossover of minor characters, but the two series are definitely their own and Fly By Night belongs to Alex and Shimmer.

  5. The Fly By Night Series will be from Shimmer's viewpoint, and she and Alex hang out in vastly different circles than the D'Artigo sisters overall.

  7. FLIGHT FROM HELL is an OTHERWORLD novella that introduces Alex and Shimmer to you-here, the characters do interact but the Fly By Night Series will be focused on the Fly By Night world.

  9. Fly By Night is more of a mystery/thriller series. I'll give you these spoilers:

  • Alex and Shimmer are not privy to the demonic war going on.

  • The FBN books will be more standalone. While the characters will evolve, there's not all that much of an overwhelming series arc.

  • The FBN gang is a little more humorous, though the series is not really ‘lighter' than Otherworld.

You can read the rest of this post on Yasmine's blog HERE.

Click on the FLIGHT FROM HELL cover above to see its info page on Yasmine's site (with excerpt and playlist). And each of the covers below will take you to their individual pages. Now is a perfect time to get to know the Otherworld series, or catch up where you left off!!




Book 1


Book 2


Book 3
Dragon Wytch

Dragon Wytch

Book 4
Night Huntress

Night Huntress

Book 5
Demon Mistress

Demon Mistress

Book 6
Bone Magic

Bone Magic

Book 7
Harvest Hunting

Harvest Hunting

Book 8
Blood Wyne

Blood Wyne

Book 9
Courting Darkness

Courting Darkness

Book 10
Shaded Vision

Shaded Vision

Book 11
Shadow Rising

Shadow Rising

Book 12
Haunted Moon

Haunted Moon

Book 13
Autum Whispers

Autumn Whispers

Book 14
Crimson Veil

Crimson Veil

Book 15
Priestess Dreaming

Priestess Dreaming

Book 16
Panther Prowling

BOOK REVIEW: "Awakening (Guardians #1)


Young adult books are more popular than ever, with The Hunger Games and Divergent taking over the New York Times charts and box office sales. Well, I say move over, Katniss and stand down Tris, because Sophie has arrived, with her five other Guardian friends!

In Awakening, by Samantha Long, readers meet Sophie, an empath who, in a previous life, was the Oracle. Her best friend is Lilli, a healer.
Recently, stydents from their school have gone missing, and she fears one of her friends is next. You have an unlikely group: Morgan, the popular cheerleader, Aidan, the Goth goofball, Tristan, the kind jock and Jackson, the silent strong one.
Together they must use their disparate powers to stop a vicious demon and save humanity, but evil doesn't fight fair.

I like to think of this story as Teen Titans meets Supernatural. These six kids are strong and powerful, fighting demons and vampires to save the Earth.
The story is gripping and fully fleshed out. You don't gave to be a young adult to enjoy Awakening!
Each character is unique and eadily visible in the mind's eye as you dead the story. The romance takes a backseat to the paranormal aspects of the narrative, but it is there and it is a heartwarming portion of a chilling tale.
Samantha Long's name will go down with the likes of Cassandra Clare and Darren Shan, as one of the best YA writers of our time.


Purchase Awakening via:



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Sunday, August 17, 2014

TEASER: "Shimmer" by Elena Dillon

Here are five (5) teasers of the upcoming YA novel Shimmer by Elena Dillon, brought to you by Mark My Words Publicity and Kelly Smith Reviews!

1. I woke to my heart punching in my chest as my “dad” gripped my shoulder and shook hard. Blinking fast, I sucked in a breath, trying to force myself awake.

“Go time,” he whispered, sending a shiver of fear down my neck.


2. I was studying the board, when I felt someone sit down at the desk behind me, but I didn’t turn around.

“A math nerd. I guess I’m not surprised.”

I knew that voice. It was the boy from History. How was I going to pay attention now? I looked down, and sure enough I recognized the long legs shoved out in front of him in the aisle by my backpack. Crap. What was his problem? I had enough to deal with right now without some guy who thought girls should fall at his feet because he spoke in their presence. I looked back and glared at him, then turned back around.

“And without the power of speech. The perfect girl,” he said under his breath.

I refused to react. Whatever. He could be an ass all by himself.


3. I needed to start my transition into Chandler Raines. I’d kept my hair in a hat last night during check-in, knowing a dye job was in my future.


4. I looked over, and the whole cheer team stood watching. Wasn’t that just fabulous? I didn’t mind an audience, but really, I shouldn’t be drawing attention to myself. Crap. Too late now.

I stood in the corner of the floor, took a deep breath, and cleared my head of all the internal noise.

I took off pounding toward the goal. One big leap, round off, back handspring, double full, and . . . bam. Stuck it.


5. Jameson Knight expected perfection, and he paid exorbitantly for it. He didn’t think he was asking too much.

“What do you mean they’re gone?” He snarled. “You said you had them. How hard can it be to find one geek and a teenage girl?”

His frustration had reached an epic level. No more cat and mouse. He wanted them found and handled. Now. For a while, the fact that they had run had benefitted him, but the longer their disappearance had gone on, the more he couldn’t stand the nagging feeling it gave him. They had gotten the better of him. They thought they were smarter, better. Unacceptable.

Shimmer by Elena Dillon

Book 2 - Breathe Series

YA Romantic Suspense

Available : August 28th, 2014

handler Raines and her “dad” are on the run. Never staying in one place for very long. It’s just not safe. When they arrive in Lafayette, Louisiana, Chandler quickly realizes this is the place she wants to call home. Friends, a cute boy, and competitive cheerleading have her taking dangerous risks to have the life she always wanted. Risks she promised she wouldn’t take.


When her lies catch up to her, a decision has to be made. Stay or run? Will the evil that’s chased them for the last four years catch up to them? When Chandler’s past comes screeching into the present she’ll have to sacrifice everything to keep what she loves safe. But will it be enough?



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About Elena Dillon



Elena lives and writes in a suburb North of Los Angeles. She has never lived anywhere besides California which is probably a good thing since she hates being cold and is terrified to drive in the snow. She loves being a wife and a mother to her three kids and three dogs, although really the bulldog is the fourth child who has never matured beyond the toddler stage.


A self-proclaimed nerd, she has been writing since she was a child. She has only recently, however, come out of the closet about this to her family and friends. They now understand better, but not completely, why she talks about characters in stories as if they are real people.



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Saturday, August 16, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "Hotter Than Helltown (Preternatural Affairs #3)" by SM Reine


A killer is mutilating bodies in Los Angeles. Agent Cèsar Hawke is on the case, but the murderer is ahead of him – way ahead of him.
Wiping the memories of the dead so that the team’s resident necrocognitive can’t talk to them? Done. Preventing magical reconstruction of crime scenes? Oh yeah. And the murders keep getting worse while Cèsar struggles to catch up.
The best way to heat up a cold case is to go to Helltown, where LA’s most powerful evil hides out, but even those demons are afraid of the murderer. Their fear adds one more question to the growing pile of unknowns:
What kind of bad guy is too hot for Helltown?

In the third book in SM Reine's Preternatural Affairs series, Cèsar is given some of his toughest challenges yet.
In a gruesome case that leaves handsome blonde men mutilated and sends him into Helltown, he's got enough on his plate, but he also needs to do his binding ceremony to become Director Frtiz Friederling's aspis. If he fails, the company head will personally execute him.
Cèsar is as snarky as ever, and even better as he realizes that he has more potential than anyone, even himself, gives him credit for. His partner, Suzy, is spunky and adorable. She's by far my favorite character by now.
The necrocog, Isobel, is back again, and looks like she's here to stay, when I had thought she'd be gone by now when I read the first book in the series.
I love how Ms. Reine added in a crime mystery to her paranormal fare in this series. With the end of The Ascension Series looming upon us, this promises to fill the void of losing Elise and James!

5/5--great work!

Purchase Hotter Than Helltown via:

Amazon (KINDLE)

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iTunes Books (Apple users)

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Google Play (Android users)

Audible (audiobook)

BOOK REVIEW: "Zero" by J.S. Collyer


Kaleb Hugo is every­thing an offi­cer of the Ser­vice should be: loyal, expertly trained, unques­tion­ing. He has done every­thing ever ordered of him and has done so with a pride that comes from know­ing you are fight­ing for the good of humankind…until the day that he made a decision to go against orders to obtain victory and save lives.
The bat­tle was won, but Hugo was con­demned and dis­hon­ourably dis­charged by Ser­vice com­man­ders for defying regulations. There is no place in the Service for heroes. Their soldiers serve and obey.
Officially, anyway.
Unof­fi­cially, Hugo is re-​​assigned to cap­tain the crew of the Zero, an eight-​​man craft clas­si­fied as, at best, a pri­va­teer ship and at worst a smug­gling and crim­i­nal enter­prise vessel. But what very few know is that the Zero, and her crew, are con­tracted by the Ser­vice. Their role is to inves­ti­gate and infil­trate the less savoury lev­els of soci­ety. They sell on, buy in, bar­gain, threaten and report back on every­thing the polit­i­cal lev­els the Ser­vice don’t offi­cialy want to know about.
The Zero’s rag-​​tag crew look to their com­man­der, Ezekiel Webb, as their leader and mid­dle­man between the reg­i­mented expec­ta­tions of the Ser­vice and the harsh and unpre­dictable demands of the under­world of colo­nial space. He has lived in both worlds his whole life and has trouble adjusting to Hugo, as he has every captain before him.
Hugo has to find a way to manage this unruly ship and unruly crew as they are pulled deeper into an orbit-​​wide game of pol­i­tics, deceit and cor­rup­tion which will threaten to tear them apart as well as throw human­ity back into a cycle of war and destruc­tion. Hugo, Webb and the crew will have to over­come per­sonal tragedy, insur­mount­able odds and every depraved twist of fate that the Orbit can throw at them in order to survive and prevent events that could threaten the lives of millions.
For Kaleb Hugo, nothing will ever be certain again.

The above is the blurb about Zero, the debut novel by JS Collyer, (published by Dagda Publishing) a sci-fi epic that is actually longer than 200 pages! While these types of stories are further down on my "favorite genres" list, this book really appealed to me, with its amazing descriptive text, making me feel like I was there, on the Zero, on the colonized moon.
The story is visual, and I could actually see every unique place Collyer took the characters. It would make and excellent movie, and an even better anime!
The characters themselves run the gamut from generic to unique and so realistic I felt like I could look up from my ereader and see them standing in front of me.
With political overtones, corruption, and covert operations, this is a book for Star Trek fans, Star Wars fans, surprisingly, Cover Affairs fans, and people who are new to sci-fi. Great work and I look forward to more from the author!


Purchase Zero via:

Amazon (PRINT)

Amazon (KINDLE)


Friday, August 15, 2014


Born in 1981, Dane Richter spent his early life growing up on a farm located about an hour east of Perth, Western Australia. A love of Enid Blyton’s works first introduced him to the world of fantasy and adventure and with time, shifted to works by Tolkien, Feist and Tad Williams which opened a wider spectrum of the fantasy genre.

Although a deep-seeded passion for adventure and storytelling existed, during his high school years he had an aptitude for sport, excelling at track and field. Quickly rising up the ranks of Australia’s elite, he represented Australia in high jump at the IAAF World Junior Championships in 2000. He continued athletics for over a decade with personal bests of 2.19m in the high jump and 50.46s in the 400m hurdles and although he won numerous Australian national medals, a career dogged by injury saw him missing out on the 2002, 2006 and 2010 Commonwealth Games.
Writing was a passion for Dane throughout his track and field career, beginning in 1999 and finishing the first draft of Hunt for the Star in 2003. With education and sport a primary focus, time afforded to writing was limited. Dane honed his skill over the next few years with affiliations to Tom Collins Writers House and the Speculative fiction group KSP Writers centre, whilst penning a sequel, Rise of the Deceiver.
Dane completed a Bachelor degree in Commerce majoring in Accounting and Marketing in 2003 and worked in coaching and education over the next ten years with a brief stint as a freelance writer in 2006, publishing 23 articles as a sports writer for the Perth metro and country based paper, Community News Group.
In 2011 Dane was introduced to Hal Colebatch - a contributing author to Larry Niven’s military sci-fi series, The Man-Kzin Wars. With Hal’s mentoring, Dane got his start with a small independent press who published the paperback version of Hunt for the Star in 2012. In 2013 Dane released the ebook, which is available on Amazon.


1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?

I guess to call me a writer would imply I actually have a career in it. Whilst I wish this were true, I am currently earning a meager sum for my craft and currently support myself working two other jobs. But I can tell you I started to write Hunt for the Star way back in 1999 when I was 18 years old. Why? Because I wanted to do something with my life and be able to leave my mark in this world long after I am gone. I think the idea of someone picking up my book 50 or 60 years from now and having an opinion on something I did, gives me a sense of pride.

2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?

I was the type of kid more inclined to read Asterix the Gaul, than devour wordy tomes by famous authors. I did, however, read many books by Enid Blyton which could attest to my love of fantasy - even though the content is far removed from my own writing. A Song of Ice and Fire by GRRM, Abercrombie's First Law trilogy and I recently read Brent Week's Night Angel, but I'd like to read Rothfuss' Name of the Wind - heard some good things about that.

3. What was the inspiration behind your novel Hunt for the Star?

Apart from track achievements, my life was quite normal and at 18, I could see the path that I was on - school, university, job, then maybe family and mortgage and suddenly wondering where my life had gone. I didn't want to be 40 or 50 years old and be one of those people that wasted my youth. I wanted to stand out from the crowd and I thought one way to do that was to write a book. I chose fantasy because I could easily make it all up.

4. How many books do you think this story will span?

Five books. Whether I get a career out of it or not, I'll definitely do five, but I have planted seeds for another series after this one, and have a plan to do several novellas to bridge the two series.

5. Did you pick a favorite character in the story, as many of your fans have?

For me, the story in only 20% complete and there are many characters still to be introduced or developed so a character might appear briefly in the first book, but knowing what is coming makes me excited. I can say that I challenge myself and try to be unique when writing a new character and sometimes the character surprises me when I'm writing it and their part ends up bigger or I revisit that same character in the second or third book. For instance the dwarf-Troll, Garuny, originally didn't speak with broken English. When I was writing a scene from the second book, I started seeing the character more clearly and giving him a funny way of talking. After making the appropriate adjustments to Hunt for the Star, I liked the way he talked so much that I wrote him a bigger part in the second book. He is by no means a favourite of mine but I did enjoy writing him. I think if an author picks favourites then the story can suffer from being predictable.

6. What would you do if given the opportunity to go on an adventure like that?

What would I do differently or...? Doing anything differently would imply that I've identified loop holes or areas to exploit in my own story. I spent quite some time critically viewing my own work to ensure there were no "the eagles should have flown the ring directly into Mordor" hacks to make the journey easier. I definitely would not let my pride get in the way of me not wearing metal armour though. tsk tsk Artos...

7. Were you in Artos' place, would you have invited Ethan with you?

As it happens, I have a nephew and have put him to sleep, changed his nappy and seen him grow up. In my circumstance I would not have invited my nephew and that's why I wrote Artos as an Uncle removed from the family, and who drifted in and out occasionally. I think if he spent most of his life near Ethan, the decision to invite him along for the journey becomes less plausible.

8. You used to run track. What was the appeal of that particular sport?

When I was 16, after a massive growth spurt, I elected to do some track events for an interschool athletics carnival. I jumped 2m in the high jump and became the number 1 ranked junior in Western Australia. 3 years later I was the number 1 ranked junior in the country and the doors of representing Australia internationally started to open to me.

9. What genre would you like to try your hand at in the future?

Writing a comedy TV series is almost in the pipeline. Writing any more about it might jinx it, so fingers crossed!

10. Would you like to see a movie or TV show made of Hunt for the Star?

I read Game of Thrones back in 2003-04 and even then it was one of the highest rated fantasy series out there, yet many people had never heard of it. Fast forward 7 years and the TV show roped in many more fans and often the content of the shows choke up social media the day after airing because people love to talk about it. So, yeah, be it TV or movie, either way it would be amazing if my books became that big.

11. What author, dead or alive, would you love to collaborate with?

Definitely Shakespeare. I like my dialogue and Shakespeare was an artist with words and delivery.

12. What would you be doing if you weren't writing?

Candy Crush.

13. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?

I know it's good to have goals but I've done this before and it's ended badly. I'd like to be able to have a career as a full time writer - if that's the case then I'll probably be doing the second series or accompanying tales set in the world of Edoria. If I can't do this as a career then I'll have a second degree maybe in teaching and hopefully settled with a family.

14. Are you working on anything that you can share with KSR?

Yeah, I'm working on the release of book 2: Rise of the Deceiver.

15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?

I'm 6'7" or 201cm
I can kick a basketball ring
I have an Accounting degree.

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