

Sunday, November 9, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "The Defenders of Prali" by Davidson L. Haworth

The Dragon of Prali is reminiscent of The Hobbit mostly, with the village struggling to survive the rampage of a newly-awakened dragon. Their only hope is a lonely monk and a young girl.
It has a strong story with a very unlikely hero. No one will swoon over Bernard, as many girls do for Frodo Baggins, but they'll want to hug him and invite him in for tea instead.
It's a pure adventure story, best read at night, with your own cup of tea and a big blanket.
The Wizard of Prali is a bit darker than its predecessor, and I found it much more entertaining, believe it or not. This is no Harry Potter! There's so Gandalf swooping in to save the day, either.
I read this part a bit more breathlessly than the prior installment, and its dark storyline foretold of even better things to come in the final chapter...
The Vampires of Prali was by far the best. There are no 600 year old teenagers falling for high school kids, no sparkles, no sexy grins, like you'll find in Twilight or The Vampire Diaries.
The vamps in Mr. Haworth's story don't want love and understanding; they want blood and death, like real vampires should! Fans of Dracula and 'Salem's Lot will love this as I did. After all, there is nothing better than undead killers, and we all know it haha!
I loved every character, both good and evil. This was great writing, and to read all the books together as one is a unique experience that all readers should have. You can tell that Mr. Haworth put a lot of heart in each sentence, creating the ultimate fantasy trilogy of our generation.
Who should read this? Everyone!


Purchase The Defenders of Prali via:

Official site (has all purchase links)

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