

Friday, February 26, 2016

PRESS: Long Beach Comic Expo Overview 2/20-21st, 2016

Hello, my faithful readers. Every year, I am blessed enough to be able to attend the Long Beach Comic Expo as press, to take photos, browse wares, attend panels, and interview the esteemed guests.
This year, I unfortunately had to cut my time at the Expo a bit short, as I got ill during the first day. However, I did manage to do quite a bit of cataloging of vendors and exhibitors. This year's Expo was the biggest yet, and the guests they brought in, the vendors from all over the world, were spectacular. Below you will find photos, vendor contact, cosplay, and an exclusive interview with a very prolific comic writer.
Every year, I try to focus on different things. Last year, it was cosplay, the year before it was interviews, and this year I focused more on the vendors. For a lifelong comic book fan like myself, this year's vendors had the best selection of comic books I have ever seen. I will not lie: seeing a mint condition, special edition of the first Deathstroke comic made me freak out just a little. As did the complete collection of Crisis On Infinite Earths in mint condition.
I love this con because it really is for the fans of comics, it hasn't gone "Hollywood" and I don't think it ever will. Sure, they invite some great stars to their events, but these remain about the comics and manga.
Without further ado...

First off is my favorite booth from the Expo/Con: My Faerietale. Unfortunately, she will not be at the upcoming Long Beach Comic Con, but she will be at the expo next year. She sells DIY fandom merch, and every year I go, I always buy something from her. She is very sweet and her products are great, cute, kitschy, and quality made.

Next up is another DIY seller. She sells on Etsy, and her information is pictures below with my Sailor Jupiter tiara. Prices are reasonable, and I personally saw her products (which include taffeta, hand-sewn cosplay costumes that can be ordered in ANY size). She was super sweet, too.

My comics. There were so man sellers, I could not for the life of me keep track of them all. As I mentioned above, this was the mother-lode for comic collectors like myself.

This store is another recurring one at the Expos and Cons, selling vintage lunchboxes and movie memorabilia at wonderful prices. Last year, I got a lot of things for The Hobbit. This year, it was Batman vs Superman. He also sells online and his information is pictured below.

Cosplayers were plenty this year, but the crowds made it a bit difficult to get great shots. Below are the best two that I saw this year. Stunning stuff, for sure.

View the rest of my gallery by clicking HERE.

This year, I was not focusing on interviews, as previously mentioned, but I managed to get another amazing comic book creator to agree to be interviewed for KSR at Long Beach Comic Expo: Jim Palmiotti. It was an honor to be able to interview him, and he was one of the nicest people I have ever met. I do hope he returns again for the Con in September!
Read the interview by clicking HERE.

Learn more about the Long Beach Comic Expo and Con by visiting the following links. I highly recommend this event for those of you who want a large con that still believes in catering to true comic book fans. I might be press, but I can assure you that I am also a fan, and attending this con is usually the highlight of my year.

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