Read on to hear about his experience in the music industry and how he got the idea for his debut novel, Anything Is Possible: A Tale Of Æsop.
1. You started out as a musician/producer. When and why did you decide tobecome a writer?
This is a great question that I am asked frequently and I can understandwhy--my answer is pretty simple really…I was raised by an inspiring father, who encouraged me to be creative and ‘Do what you love, Son.’
For me, the tools and processes of creating are closely related regardless of the genrein which our creations may manifest themselves…words and music have alwaysbeen an artistic outlet for me and story, in particular has always felt like melody to me, so creating music and creating novels are simply different rooms in the same creative house for me.
2. Why choose Æsop's life; Greek history in general? What was the allure?
I’m enjoying your questions, Kelly--to tell you the truth, I don’t feel asthough I picked ÆSOP. I feel as though he picked me. My first Æsop ‘meeting' took place when I was three years old, listening to a WarnerBrothers ‘Reader Record’ of Bugs Bunny and the Tortoise. I was hooked andover the years our friendship and understanding grew in depth andunderstanding to the point that I feel as though he has moved in with me.
Greeks? Our western culture is based upon the Greeks who gave usphilosophy, theater and myth as well as the Æsop’s everlasting fables inwhich he has showed us the beauty as well fallibility of our humancircumstance. Æsop is the most quoted single author in history.
3. The theme of the book seems to be very inspirational--believing in yourown power & self-worth. Did working in the deprecating music industrypartly influence your thought process?
I’m not certain what this question means but if you will explain it to meI’ll be happy to answer it!
4. Whose work influenced you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading now?
In the Literary world, I was most influenced by ÆSOP, for his stories ofthe human condition both inspired and instructed me. I have also read many biographies of great contributors such as Lincoln, Edison, Curie, Franklinand so many of the great people who have shaped our lives. I still readmany biographies as well as a great range of fiction from Fitzgerald to Atwood.
5. Since I asked about your past career, will you tell the readers what itwas about the music industry that made you want to work in it?
My attraction to the music industry began from my musical family. It was and is a way of serving others. When my first hit song traveled the world, it thrilled me to learn that something I created in my living room had brought joy to people all over the globe.
6. You've worked with many talented musicians. What authors would you liketo collaborate with in the future, if any?
I love the collaborative nature of the entertainment business, although with no intent to being so, my successes as a songwriter and author have come from flying solo. I can tell you that I want to meet Margaret Atwood, Paulo Coelho and Carlos Ruiz Zafon to name a few. The collaboration of that opportunity would come from discussion of what moves and inspires us.
7. What musicians would you like to work with one day?
I have had the great pleasure to have worked with so many icons of our timeand I plan to continue navigating that river with whomever I can serve, or,creating together, can further serve and entertain our audience.
8. Are you working on anything, book-wise, that you can share with KSR?
Yes, I am! - I am on my post- 1st edit re-write of the follow up novel to Anything Is Possible, and at the same time, am writing a companion book to AIP as well. The world in which we dwell is so beautifully fertile. :)
9. Where do you see your writing career in the next ten years?
I see a total of three novels in the Anything Is Possible series,accompanied by companion books and programs that support their philosophy as well as many more speaking engagements, more music, more connection withand most of all, serving others.
10. Would you ever consider writing a non-fiction book about your time inthe music industry since the 1970's [background for readers, Mr. Bähler worked with The Partidge Family, wrote Cher's hit "Living In A House Divided" and formed his own band, The Love Generation, with his brother, John; he has also worked with Michael Jackson]?
Bingo! That book is already in the development, for I have wonderfulstories about the great talents and people with whom I have had the pleasure to create.
11. What is the biggest difference writing for yourself and writing forother artists?
For me it is always about story - songs to me are one act plays - and innovels, I have the opportunity to expand those stories to include richer detail - at the end of the day, no matter who is to perform or read - story is my melody. I am melody’s servant.
12. Writing lyrics can be like storytelling. What is the biggest difference between writing lyrics & writing a novel?
I am sure there is a difference…for me, I have always written what I hear, so whether it is a lyric, poetry or prose…I write what I hear - I amcompletely content with my audience, readers and listeners deciding their differences - personally, I would prefer that they are moved by their content and not their style.
13. Would you like to see Anything Is Possible turned into a film? Would you work on music for said film if it were to happen?
Anything Is Possible is quite cinematic to me and it’s sequel even more so. I imagine that I would contribute to the score in some fashion.
14. Were you to have to choose, would you rather work on music or writingfull-time?
For me, I breathe, eat, drink, sleep, make love and create. I cannot separate myself from any of those nor could I from their expression.
15. Thank you so much for participating in this interview, Mr. Bähler. Would you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?
1. I am a “Jolly Rogers Fire Stix” junkie. 2. I love a wildly wide varietyof people and their stories. 3. I actually believe that anything is possible.
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