In the fictional world of Geos, heresy is the worst thing possible if you're afollower of Sol, the sun. Being a heretic is the equivalent of being a terrorist in modern-day America.
Maya is ready to become a Contegon, a religious soldier, but deserts, becoming a heretic and leaving suspicion on the head of her friend, Chain, who does graduate and become a Contegon. Chain has to deal with the elders of the Contegons and a new, mysterious young man who has taken an interest in her.
Maya escapes by tricking a vulnerable teen boy named Snow and stealing his mother's Identity Papers, never knowing that Snow's grandfather is a Desciple, the enemy of the Contegons.
In this novel about rebellion, religion and thinking for oneself, Sean P. Wallace created an amazing journey for the reader.Now, my biggest reservation about this book is it jumps almost too quickly between characters. I think each individual subplot needed a little more attention before it was switched after every chapter.
I am a lover of descriptive dialogue, and while the scenes were excellently depicted, the characters could've used some extra words.
Overall, this book receives a four from me because, when you get right down to it, it's the story that counts and Mr. Wallace gave us a great one!
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