Tuesday, August 25, 2015

RELEASE DAY: "Unblocked Episode Five" by Marni Mann + Boxed Set Info

Marni’s Social Media Links: 

Unblocked, Episode Five Blurb:  
Derek Block needs to protect those he cares about. Frankie Jordan fears the loss of those she loves. Darkness drives them. But could it drive them apart? This is Episode Five, the final Episode in the Timber Towers Series. 

Rafflecopter Giveaway: 
Embeded Link: <a class="rcptrhref="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/9ae42aeb10/" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="9ae42aeb10" data-theme="classic" data-template="" id="rcwidget_x8jwcxna">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a> 
<script src="//widget-prime.rafflecopter.com/launch.js"></script> 

Unblocked, Episode One Buy Links:  

Unblocked, Episode Two Buy Links:  

Unblocked, Episode Three Buy Links:  

Unblocked, Episode Four Buy Links:  

Unblocked, Episode Five Buy Links:  

The Unblocked Collection Buy Links:  
iTunes Link: Coming soon.

I received an advance copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.


How could it be over already? Five months flies by when you have to wait for a serial to finish. Usually, I stay away from serials, but for some reason this one really pulled me in from page one. For five months I have lived with Frankie and Derek; fallen in love with them, cried with them and grown with them. Their story will be forever imprinted in my mind.
I fell madly in love with Derek from book one, and now, reading his final scenes, I fell in love with him even more. He's one of the most magnetic characters I have ever encountered.
Frankie's strength is admirable, but at times in this story her stubbornness really got to me. She's smart and sexy; she doesn't need to play Reed's games. I fell for her just as much as I fell for Derek. For men who might want to get into erotica, or girls like me who are into women, she is a perfect "book girlfriend"!
I loved the plot but for one thing: I would have liked more angst and backstory with Reed and Randy. I understand that this was to focus on Frankie and Derek's relationship, and that was done wonderfully, but I would have liked a bit more dramatic flair and angst to round out the story.

All in all, I loved it. From beginning to end. It's hot erotic fun, but with super strong characters and an involved plot. I am officially a Marni Fan!

5/5--it's bittersweet to see this end, but what a hot ending!

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